Source code for mlthon.instruments.instrument_utils

import json
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import *

from mlthon.basics.defs import Exchange, InstrumentType
from mlthon.basics.mldecimal import MLDecimal
from mlthon.basics.qty import Qty
from mlthon.instruments.instrument import Instrument
from mlthon.instruments.future import Future
from mlthon.instruments.perpetual import Perpetual

[docs]class InstrumentUtils:
[docs] @staticmethod def exch_type_sym_to_instr_name(exchange: Exchange, instr_type: InstrumentType, symbol: str) -> str: """ Transfer (exchange, instrument_type, symbol) into instrument_name (e.g. byt:perp:btc-usd). Parameters ---------- exchange: Exchange exchange of this instrument. instr_type: InstrumentType instrument type of this instrument. symbol: str symbol (internal symbol in MLTech) of this instrument. Returns ------- a string, the instrument name. """ # mltech internal sumbol is uppcase by default return exchange.exchange_code + ":" + instr_type.type_id + ":" + symbol.upper()
[docs] @staticmethod def exch_syms_types_to_instr_names(exchange: Exchange, type_by_symbol: Dict[str, InstrumentType]) -> List[str]: """Return a list of instrument names, given the exchange, symbols and types. Parameters ---------- exchange: Exchange exchange of these instruments. type_by_symbol: dict a dictionary, whose keys are the symbols and values are the instrument types, e.g. {"BTC-USD": InstrumentType:Perpetual}. Returns ------- a list of strings, each of which is the corresponding instrument name. """ return [InstrumentUtils.exch_type_sym_to_instr_name(exchange, instr_type, symbol) for symbol, instr_type in type_by_symbol.items()]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_instrument_from_raw_msg(raw_msg: str) -> Union[Instrument, Future, Perpetual]: """Parse the raw payload (json-formatted string) and generate the corresponding Instrument object. Parameters ---------- raw_msg: str raw message for instrument, a string in json format, example: ```{ "instrument_type":"SPOT", "exchange_id":"BLN", "mlt_symbol":"BTC-USD", "price_tick_rules_json": { "default": "0.1", "rules": [] }, "quantity_tick_rules_json": { "default": "0.00000001", "rules": [] }, "multiplier":"1.0000000000", "valid_start_ts":1630003158, "instrument_group_id":"spot:BTC-USD", "base_currency":"BTC", "quote_currency":"USD", "min_quantity":"0.0005000000", "exch_instr_id":"BTC-USD", "quantification":"base", "instrument_id":10000000000, "price_precision":1, "quantity_precision":4 }``` Returns ------- an Instrument (or its subclass) object """ json_object = json.loads(raw_msg) return InstrumentUtils.get_instrument_from_json(json_object)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_instrument_from_json(json_object: dict) -> Union[Instrument, Future, Perpetual]: """ Parse a json object with instrument info, and generate the corresponding Instrument object. Parameters ---------- json_object: dict a json object (dict), with all the information of an instrument. Example: { "instrument_type":"spot", # instrument type ID (e.g. perp), not the type's whole name (e.g. PERPETUAL) "exchange_id":"BLN", "mlt_symbol":"BTC-USD", "price_tick_rules_json": { "default": "0.1", "rules": [] }, "quantity_tick_rules_json": { "default": "0.00000001", "rules": [] }, "multiplier":"1.0000000000", "valid_start_ts":1630003158, "instrument_group_id":"spot:BTC-USD", "base_currency":"BTC", "quote_currency":"USD", "min_quantity":"0.0005000000", "exch_instr_id":"BTC-USD", "quantification":"base", "instrument_id":10000000000, "price_precision":1, "quantity_precision":4 } Returns ------- an Instrument (or its subclass) object """ # field name changes. json_object["exchange"] = Exchange.parse_exchange_code(json_object.pop("exchange_id")) json_object["min_quantity"] = Qty.from_str(json_object["min_quantity"]) json_object["multiplier"] = MLDecimal.from_str(json_object["multiplier"]) # TODO: We don't need tick rules for now. But keep in here in case we need it in the future json_object["price_tick_rules"] = json_object.pop("price_tick_rules_json") json_object["quantity_tick_rules"] = json_object.pop("quantity_tick_rules_json") if "expiration_date_utc" in json_object: # for futures json_object["expiration_date_utc"] = datetime.strptime(json_object.pop("expiration_date_utc"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") json_object["instrument_type"] = InstrumentType.parse_str(json_object["instrument_type"]) if json_object["instrument_type"] == InstrumentType.Spot: return Instrument(**json_object) elif json_object["instrument_type"] == InstrumentType.Perpetual: return Perpetual(**json_object) elif json_object["instrument_type"] == InstrumentType.Future: return Future(**json_object) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported instrument type: " + str(json_object["instrument_type"]))