Source code for mlthon.basics.defs
from typing import *
from mlthon.basics.mlt_enum import MltEnum
[docs]class Side(MltEnum):
Buy = 0
Sell = 1
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(string_val: str):
if string_val.lower() == 'buy':
return Side.Buy
elif string_val.lower() == 'sell':
return Side.Sell
raise RuntimeError("No such side: {}".format(string_val))
[docs]class OrderType(MltEnum):
Unset = -1
Limit = 0
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(string_val: str):
if str == "unset":
return OrderType.Unset
elif str == "limit":
return OrderType.Limit
raise RuntimeError("No such order type: {}".format(string_val))
[docs]class TIF(MltEnum):
Unset = -1
GTC = 0
IOC = 1 # Execute immediately, even partially, the rest is cancelled
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(string_val: str):
if str == "GoodTilCancel":
return TIF.GTC
elif str == "Unset":
return TIF.Unset
elif str == "ImmediateOrCancel":
return TIF.IOC
raise RuntimeError("No such time in force: {}".format(string_val))
[docs]class ExecInstructions(MltEnum):
Unset = 0
PostOnly = 1
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(string_val: str):
if str == "PostOnly":
return ExecInstructions.PostOnly
elif str == "Unset":
return ExecInstructions.Unset
raise RuntimeError("No such exec instruction: {}".format(string_val))
[docs]class Exchange(MltEnum):
Blockchain = 0
Bybit = 1
Bequant = 2
Deribit = 3
Huobi = 4
Binance = 5
Ftx = 6
Lmax = 7
Binance_fut_usdt = 8
Binance_fut_coin = 9
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_str(s: str):
return Exchange[s.capitalize()]
[docs] @staticmethod
def try_parse_str(s: str):
s: string to parse
a tuple (bool,enum_val) where bool is true if parsing was a success. If so, enum_val will be the
corresponding parsed value
success = True
val = None
val = Exchange[s.capitalize()]
except KeyError:
success = False
return success, val
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_exchange_code(exch: str):
""" Parse exchange 3 character code"""
exch_map = {
"bet": Exchange.Bequant,
"bln": Exchange.Blockchain,
"byt": Exchange.Bybit,
"det": Exchange.Deribit,
"hui": Exchange.Huobi,
"bie": Exchange.Binance,
"bin": Exchange.Binance_fut_coin,
"bit": Exchange.Binance_fut_usdt,
"ftx": Exchange.Ftx,
"lmx": Exchange.Lmax
exchange = exch_map.get(exch.lower(), None)
if exchange is None:
raise ValueError("Unknown exchange code: {ec}".format(ec=exch))
return exchange
def exchange_code(self) -> str:
"""Get exchange code for that exchange"""
exch_map = {
Exchange.Bequant.value: "bet",
Exchange.Blockchain: "bln",
Exchange.Bybit: "byt",
Exchange.Deribit: "det",
Exchange.Huobi: "hui",
Exchange.Binance: "bie",
Exchange.Binance_fut_coin: "bin",
Exchange.Binance_fut_usdt: "bit",
Exchange.Ftx: "ftx",
Exchange.Lmax: "lmx"
return exch_map.get(self)
[docs]class InstrumentType(MltEnum):
Spot = 0
Perpetual = 1
Future = 2
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_str(s: str):
switch_table = {
"spot": InstrumentType.Spot,
"perp": InstrumentType.Perpetual,
"fut": InstrumentType.Future,
return switch_table.get(s.lower())
[docs] @staticmethod
def try_parse_str(s: str):
"""Try to parse InstrumentType from a string (type ID)
s: str
string to parse (type ID)
a tuple (bool,enum_val) where bool is true if parsing was a success. If so, enum_val will be the
corresponding parsed value
success = True
val = None
val = InstrumentType.parse_str(s)
except KeyError:
success = False
return success, val
def type_id(self) -> str:
"""Type ID of this InstrumentType.
a string, type ID for that InstrumentType.
switch_table = {
InstrumentType.Spot: "spot",
InstrumentType.Perpetual: "perp",
InstrumentType.Future: "fut",
return switch_table.get(self)
[docs]class OrderStatus(MltEnum):
Unknown = -1
Open = 0
PartiallyFilled = 1
Filled = 2
PendingCancel = 3
Cancelled = 4
Rejected = 5
Expired = 6
Suspended = 7
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_str(s: str):
switch_table = {
"unknown": OrderStatus.Unknown,
"open": OrderStatus.Open,
"partiallyfilled": OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled,
"filled": OrderStatus.Filled,
"pendingcancel": OrderStatus.PendingCancel,
"cancelled": OrderStatus.Cancelled,
"rejected": OrderStatus.Rejected,
"expired": OrderStatus.Expired,
"suspended": OrderStatus.Suspended
return switch_table.get(s.lower())
[docs]class GtwRejectCode(MltEnum):
# Gateway related codes (in the 1000's)
GtwNotReady = 1000
GtwRiskViolation = 1001
GtwRateLimitBreach = 1002
GtwCannotStackPendingRequests = 1003
GtwCannotModify = 1004
GtwPendingCancelAll = 1005
GtwOrderNotFound = 1006
GtwUnsupportedOp = 1007
GtwInvalidRequest = 1008
GtwQtyCannotBeBelowCumQty = 1009
GtwReduceMustLowerQty = 1010
GtwOngoingCancel = 1011
GtwNoRiskForSymbol = 1012
GtwRiskMaxOrderSizeViolation = 1013
GtwRiskShortPosViolation = 1014
GtwRiskLongPosViolation = 1015
GtwOrderNotOpen = 1016
# Exchange related codes (in the 2000's)
ExchRateLimitBreach = 2000
ExchForbid = 2001
ExchOverload = 2002
ExchInsufficientBalance = 2003
ExchReject = 2004
ExchOrderFilled = 2005
ExchOrderNotFound = 2006
ExchDupeOrderID = 2007
ExchOrderExpired = 2008
ExchBadQty = 2009
ExchOrderCancelled = 2010 # Order already cancelled
ExchOrderBelowMin = 2011
ExchQtyCannotBeBelowCumQty = 2012
ExchTooLateToCancel = 2013
ExchInvalidRequest = 2014
ExchIsClosed = 2015
ExchPostOnlyBreach = 2016
ExchTookTooLongToProcessRequest = 2017
[docs]class CancelCode(MltEnum):
Unset = 0
CanceledByUser = 1
SelfTradePrevention = 2
[docs]class GtwStatus(MltEnum):
Connecting = 0
ReadyToTrade = 1
Synchronizing = 2
Maintenance = 3
Disconnected = 4
[docs]class FeedHandlerStatus(MltEnum):
SnapshotStart = 0
SnapshotEnd = 1
Disconnected = 2